Rally For Livable Wages at UVM

Student Labor Action Project
Students for Peace and Global Justice
September 29th
NOON on the steps of Waterman, UVM
Come celebrate the Basic Needs Task Force's recommendation to the administration that calls for all directly employed workers to be brought to a livable wage!
Tell the UVM Administration to accept the recommendation and implement it as soon as possible!
Demand that contracted workers be included in the livable wage policy!
This is the University of Vermont's chance to be a leader in labor issues to Burlington, Vermont, and the whole country! With a real livable wage policy, we will send the message that we care about the workers that make this University run and make it great. By paying a livable wage, we will send the message that we believe our workers should not be living in poverty, and should be earning at least enough to support themselves and their families! Social justice is an important value of UVM, and a livable wage policy will help immensely in the pursuit of that goal. Lets work together to make UVM as great is it can be!
To find out more information, or if you or your club/organization are interested in endorsing this rally, please contact SLAP at uvmslap[at]riseup.net

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