Student Labor Action Project: A Two Year Retrospective

by: Katherine Nopper

Living Wages–An Issue of Human Rights
Two years ago, a handful of students recognized a problem at the University of Vermont. Amidst major overhaul, both in terms of new building projects and progressive visioning over UVM’s future, conditions for people working at the University were largely neglected. The student-activists agreed that anyone working at UVM who did not receive a wage to support the cost of living in Burlington was being exploited. Working all day, with negligible benefits, and earning the bare minimum is a violation of human rights and the University had the influence and power to be responsible to the community.

A Student Labor Action Project (SLAP) Chapter was established, which over the past year has transformed into one of the most effective and enthusiastic social justice movements in the University’s history. Working in solidarity with the Vermont Workers’ Center (VWC), Peace and Justice Center (PJC), Vermont Livable Wage Campaign (VLWC), Living Wage Action Coalition, along with local unions and community leaders, the students researched current conditions at UVM and pressed for recognition and accountability by the administration.

Despite assertions by UVM’s President, Daniel Fogel, that only a “handful” of workers did not meet a living wage standard, the VLWC estimated that over a third (167 of 307) service and maintenance workers made less than the living wage of $12.02/hour. Wage trends from other college campuses showed that cafeteria workers, contracted by Sodexho, earned a miserly average of $8/hour. In addition, 279 of 632 clerical workers made less than $25,000, the living wage for a one-person family.

People Ignited Will Not Be Ignored
After the first meetings between SLAP leaders and the top administrators, it became clear that the administration would not accept the idea of a livable wage, and was not the least interested in investigating an issue that made workers rights, and not capital investment projects, a top priority.

The administration’s response fueled a fire that proved the issue was not going to fade away. SLAP students were outside the library, cafeteria halls, and bookstore nearly every day with megaphones, flyers, and banners, informing the student body about livable wages and the injustices that were being committed within their own campus community. Supported by the VWC, PJC, and area unions – including the United Academics faculty union, UE’s service and maintenance workers, UVM’s staff organized with UPV-AFT, and the Vermont Building Trades Council, the campus-wide solidarity campaign became known as “Good Jobs @ UVM.”

In the face of anti-union sentiments on campus and millions of dollars being spent on new construction projects without ensuring fair contracting standards, a “Do the Right Thing” petition began circulating on campus. The petition demanded that all employees had the right to organize without interference and intimidation from the University, and that the University adopt Responsible Contractor procurement policies to ensure that workers were afforded training, safety, pay and benefits to support their families. Meanwhile, the Student Government Association (SGA) debated a livable wage resolution where President Fogel informed the SGA of his “vision” and the financial stability of UVM, yet highlighted that debt is a “big problem.”

Last November, SLAP students and supporters of the Good Jobs @ UVM campaign delivered the petitions, now with over 1,200 signatures, at a Board of Trustees meeting followed by a noontime rally where over 100 students and community members showed their support. The rally also provided the first press coverage around the issue, proving that SLAP was serious about making changes. A week later, the SGA passed the living wage resolution unanimously, changing its name to the “Basic Needs Budget,” and created a committee to investigate the conditions and wages of UVM workers. Going into winter break students were finally gaining momentum.

SLAP Responds to Slow Moving Administrators
A formal set of demands was presented at the February Board of Trustees meeting asking UVM for responsive decisions and movement on three demands:

  1. The adaptation of a livable-wage policy for all directly-employed and contracted UVM workers
  2. Agreement to move to a strictly neutral position on union organizing, including the right to card-check neutrality
  3. The establishment of Responsible Contractor policies including apprenticeship training programs

Administrators responded by citing the creation of the SGA committee investigating livable wages at UVM as proof of movement on demand number one, but flatly rejected the proposed card-check neutrality and claimed that all contracted construction adhered to strict environmental standards.

SLAP pointed out that the committee for livable wages had not met once in three months, even though it had promised its first report by the end of fall finals, and reiterated the demand that neutrality be guaranteed by written policy and that contracting standards include labor standards. A sufficient response and a plan for implementation were requested by April 7th.

As the deadline, and beginning of the SLAP “Week of Action” drew near, the administration still had not responded and the livable wage committee had not yet met. SLAP students knew that visibility and active community support would be needed.

The week began with a press conference, led by Stewart Acuff, National Organizing Director of the AFL-CIO. The following day SLAP members brought computers and cell phones to tables all over campus for classmates to send letters and messages of support for the implementation of a livable wage at UVM.

Students held a “dance-in” for livable wages in front of the President’s wing, dropped off letters for Fogel, held their weekly speak-out in front of the Waterman administration building, and delivered a final petition to the administration in support of all SLAP demands.

Finally on April 7th, a culminating rally took place on the steps of Waterman, turning out close to 200 students and a force of passionate community leaders. The message rang loud and clear, spoken by students, union leaders, politicians, and UVM faculty and staff: Livable Wages Now!

Solidarity in Action
Recognizing that the administration was going to continue to rebuff student and public demands, a group of 14 SLAP students participated in a direct action training. Early Monday morning, students approached the President’s wing of Waterman with packed camping bags, guitars, and pillows in hand with the intent to occupy the wing until their policy proposals were met. With a stroke of bad-luck, they were greeted by Vice President Michael Gower with key in hand. Frustrated, yet resilient, the “Slapatistas” retreated and regrouped.

During this crucial period of confusion and disillusionment, fellow SLAP students rose to the occasion. Students gathered on the green in front of Waterman to erect a “tent-city” – a visible display of solidarity in action for administrators in the building across the street. Over 30 tents were erected, including a dwelling made out of boxes and a “town hall” constructed out of picket fence materials. Students walked by on their way to classes, cars honked, and the visiting admitted students and their families curiously stared at the small village. The issue of livable wages was debated across campus, within classrooms, and amongst friends. The tent-dwellers were visited by Congressman Bernie Sanders, and the next day greeted with early morning coffee left by Representative David Zuckerman. Every day workers from across campus brought food or soda with words of thanks and appreciation, community businesses donated food, and random students came by to show their support.

Last minute efforts to convene the Livable Wage Committee were finally met, yet under guidelines set by the administration. UVM administrators had been forced to acknowledge the issues presented by SLAP throughout the year, but the creation of the task force was too little, too late, and promised nothing as far as implementation.

After three nights of sleeping outdoors and with the permit set to expire, tent-city activists were handed a warning notice, threatening jail time and thousands of dollars in fines if their stay lasted beyond the set hour. SLAP leader, Colin Robinson, was called into the President’s office and threatened with judicial action that would jeopardize his ability to graduate. Rather than submit to intimidation, SLAP students convened on the green well past the permit time to decide whether to end tent-city or not. Police eventually showed up with sirens and flashing lights, and students began to pack up their tents, illuminated by the headlights of nine police cars and a DUI arrest vehicle. In the confusion, eight students were issued citations despite the fact that all students were packing up peacefully.

“We’ll Be Back!”
The next edition of the school paper, The Vermont Cynic, was filled with the SLAP campaign issues and activities, and specifically highlighted the days of tent-city and its conclusion. An open letter from the faculty asked for an apology and explanation from the administration, and many passionate op-eds and in-depth articles explained the week’s events. It was also at this time that the labor community displayed its strength and solidarity with the students and movement at UVM. A community delegation was formed and greeted President Fogel the next Monday morning, demanding all charges be dropped and the adaptation of SLAP’s policy proposal.

President Fogel issued a campus-wide letter explaining UVM’s adherence to socially just values and specifically addressed SLAP’s actions. By finals week, the task force had met twice, debating not whether to establish a policy, but what terms and conditions the policy should include. These meetings will stretch into the summer, with strong leaders remaining in the area to lay the foundation for a firm proposal. SLAP is satisfied for the time being, but the students know that any process controlled by administrators promises little or no action.

In the fall, SLAP will be back out, with greater strength than ever. Changes have been set into motion and students will continue to call on the University to move towards an equitable living wage policy and jobs with justice. While the first step has been taken, only forward progress will be acceptable. The Slapatistas promise to continue working and raising a ruckus while UVM pays its workers poverty wages.

Vermont Labor Against the War Needs You…

by Traven Leyshon, VWC Member

On April 29th, Vermont union members joined the largest labor antiwar contingent ever in New York City. The spirited 15,000-20,000 trade union contingent came from across the country. Altogether, 350,000 people joined the March for Peace, Justice and Democracy.
Why Is Labor Speaking Out?
The war in Iraq is the single most important fact of life in the U.S. today. Some still ask why is labor against the war? That’s easy: health care, education, housing, jobs, heating assistance, our schools, you name it – on every front where community needs are not being met are directly linked to the resources are being squandered on this war.
Our family members and co-workers that have been sent to fight are paying the highest price for this war. We have an obligation to them, and to the Iraqi people, to end this war now. Unions representing millions of working people point to:
  • National Guard and Reserve members taken from their jobs, families and communities for indefinite service (essentially a backdoor draft);
  • Veterans’ benefits and services cut at the very time their need is growing;
  • A war costing hundreds of billions of dollars has siphoned funds from programs to meet human needs – for jobs, health care, housing, education, infrastructure, care for victims of disasters, rebuilding the storm-ravaged Gulf area, protecting our environment and more;
  • Millions of our tax dollars funneled to corporate cronies of the Bush administration and growing corruption in government;
  • A war that has served as a smokescreen for a corporate assault on working people and our unions: pensions canceled, jobs outsourced & privatized, plants shuttered, immigrants scapegoated, and the safety net we fought to create in tatters;
  • Tax breaks for the rich, subsidies for corporations, and the shaft for the rest of us.
    The official opposition of our unions to the war opens space for rank and file activists to educate and organize among our co-workers against the war. We are building a movement that links the war abroad to the war at home against working people and our unions.

The working class is the social force with the self-interest and power to end this endless war and injustice. At present, our labor movement’s consciousness, activity, and organization are far below the levels we needs to fulfill our urgent tasks. Intensive labor antiwar organizing can, and will, change that.

What We’re Doing About It
To that end Vermont Labor Against the War has been:

  • Working closely with Military Families Speak Out and Iraq Veterans Against the War to bring speakers into union meetings and have discussions about the reality of what it means to be against the war in the military and to support our troops by bringing them home.
  • Organizing labor contingents in anti-war demonstrations.
  • Using flyers as tools to initiate respectful discussions with coworkers who believe “you can’t do anything” to end the war, or that supporting our troops means supporting the “war on terror.”
  • Educating about the real, democratic, and secular opposition to the U.S. in Iraq, especially Iraq’s growing labor movement. Organizing discussions around the documentary “Meeting Face to Face: The Iraq-U.S. Labor Solidarity Tour” at union and public meetings.
  • Organizing material aid for Iraqi unions, pressuring the government to allow Iraqi speakers into the U.S., pressuring the occupation authorities/Iraqi government to give the Iraqi labor movement space to organize, sponsoring a forum with a speaker from the Iraqi Freedom Congress, and an Iraq labor leader tour.
  • Affiliating Vermont unions to US Labor Against the War, a national organization of over 125 labor organizations

We need to do much more! We’re talking about showing up at events to demand that politicians take a position for withdrawal and to hold them accountable. What are your ideas? Vermont Labor Against the War needs your input and energy. Please contact us at

Not One More Dollar, Not One More Day!
Bring Our Troops Home Now!
Take Care Of Them When They Return!

Hotline Volunteers Help to Achieve Workplace Resolution

To Vitaliy Pristupa, an immigrant from the Ukraine looking for a job, it seemed like a reasonable deal at the time. A private school bus company would train Vitaliy so he could receive a Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) at no cost, in exchange for Vitaliy’s promise to work for the company for a year.

A few months into the new job, Vitaliy had the chance to take additional commercial drivers’ training on his own to upgrade his license. He asked his supervisor if he could work as a substitute bus driver while this training was going on and his boss approved the arrangement. When the training was done, Vitaliy was ready to go back to his regular shift, but his supervisor told him there was no work at the time and that he should check back later.

Vitaliy called several times over the next few months and was repeatedly given excuses for why he couldn’t work. His boss was busy . . . there’s no work . . .the company has been sold.
Then Vitaliy got a letter from a collection agency demanding he pay $500 in a debt to the school bus company for the CDL training. He called the school bus company and was told not to worry. After getting another letter and a phone call from the collection agency – he became very worried.

So Vitaliy called the Workers Rights Hotline. He doesn’t understand what is going on. He wants either to work off his debt or have the debt forgiven. It was a reasonable request.
The Hotline volunteers arranged for a group of Workers’ Center activists to visit the bus company. One of these supporters was Rev. Marcheta Townsend.

Marcheta explained, “I got involved because I think it’s important to help others, especially those folks who are new to our country and who may find it more difficult to maneuver in our culture.”

Marcheta and a couple of other volunteers spoke with representatives with the bus company. The Hotline crew explained that Vitaliy needed to either be re-employed or to have this debt forgiven. The visit – and a number of phone calls by Hotline volunteer, Dawn Stanger – paid off. Eventually the debt was forgiven and the Pristupas are free of the collection agency.

“I think the Workers Center is very good,” Vitaliy’s wife, Lidiya, said. “We didn’t know who to talk to, but someone told us to call the Hotline. We were just hoping someone could help. It’s good not to worry anymore.”