Today, members of the Vermont Workers' Center visited the Vermont offices of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to protest HUD's plans to demolish thousands of units of public housing in New Orleans, without guaranteeing former residents replacement housing or even allowing them a meaningful voice in the process of rebuilding affordable housing in New Orleans. It appears when HUD officials heard we were coming they shut down the whole office. When we arrived at 11am here's we found the office closed down, with a sign saying they would return at 4pm, yes 4pm!
We delivered this statement:
Just over two years ago, New Orleans was devastated by the lethal combination of Hurricane Katrina, one of the most powerful hurricanes in recent memory, and the blatantly racist and classist neglect of the federal government for the city's low-income, overwhelmingly African-American residents. In the wake of this disaster, and with the federal government seemingly abandoning its obligations to Gulf Coast residents, many Vermonters stepped up to do what we could. The City of Burlington adopted Moss Point, Mississippi as a sister city, Burlington’s Imani Center coordinated a truckload of donated food and household supplies, and many made the trek to New Orleans to work with grassroots organizations such as Food Not Bombs and Common Grounds.
For two years, federal, state and local governments have not lived up to their responsibilities to the people of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast. Hundreds of thousands of people are homeless or exiled. Instead of receiving the infrastructure and services to allow for the safe return of Gulf Coast residents, the region remains in ruins, peoples’ livelihoods destroyed and entire communities displaced. We are outraged that four large public housing complexes are to be destroyed in the city of New Orleans. We understand that this represents the demolition of over 4600 homes, while only 744 units are expected to be rebuilt. This comes at a time when 52,000 families throughout the Gulf Coast region are about to be forced out of trailers provided by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
Hundreds of people who have been kicked out of their homes are resisting these demolitions. They have had no say in the decision of HUD to destroy their homes, they have been barred from participating in their local city council meetings and pepper sprayed when they try to make their voices heard. As working-class Vermonters we stand in solidarity with these activists and demand an end to the destruction of public housing. Our city of Burlington, Vermont has long required that developers tearing down existing housing units replace them one-for-one, with strict guidelines about providing affordable housing. While this has not by itself solved the affordable housing crisis in Burlington, we believe it is a good principle, and we demand that HUD, at a minimum, adhere to it. We also strongly encourage our U.S. Senators to do everything they can to ensure passage of the Gulf Coast Recovery Act (SB 1668), which would require Gulf Coast recovery efforts to abide by these principles.
It is becoming increasingly clear that affordable housing is being eliminated all over the country. From the Old North End of Burlington Vermont to the 9th Ward of New Orleans we stand together to resist the process of gentrification. We are holding HUD responsible for this racist attack on poor black communities in New Orleans and demand that money spent on destruction be put towards rebuilding the affordable, public housing that was damaged over two years ago by Hurricane Katrina
After we delivered the statement we went outside and leafletted people in the community before taking two delegations to Senators Leahy and Sanders to push for their support of Gulf Coast Recovery Act.
We also got got some good media coverage including Channel 5 and Vermont Public Radio (hear interview with Workers' Center leader Jonathan Kissam on VPR news) and we were welcomed on to Burlington's newest community radio station, The Radiator. Here is Workers' Center Director James Haslam in the radio booth:
More info: on the struggle to defend public housing in New Orleans:
More info on the Gulfcoast Recovery Act:
HUD OFFICE SHUT DOWN: Solidarity Support For New Orleans Public Housing Fight
Labels: affordable housing, solidarity
REGISTER NOW: Jan 26th Building Worker Justice Movement
The Vermont Workers' Center is pleased to announce that on January 26, workers, students, educators and health care providers from around the state will be gathering at Building a Movement for Worker Justice.
This will be a three part conference, geared for working Vermonters, students and including our annual Justice For Healthcare Workers focus. It aims to build a stronger movement for workers' rights, livable wages, economic justice, quality healthcare for all and global solidarity. After the conference there will be a major rally and march as part of the Global Day of Action.
View agenda, download brochures and register at
REGISTER NOW (its free!)
Labels: Justice For Healthcare Workers, popular education, slap, solidarity
Dec 10 Candlelight Vigil: Burlington Livable City Campaign
On Monday, December 10th, 2007 at 3:30 pm members of the Burlington Livable City Coalition, a community coalition that works to ensure Burlington is truly livable for all its resident, held a candlelight vigil outside AFSMCE/School District negotiations asking the school district to do the right thing and pay a livable wage (including members of VT Workers' Center, Livable Wage Campaign, BEA, SLAP, UVM United Staff, AFGE, and Laborers). December 10th is recognized by the United Nations as International Human Rights Day – this action helps to bring to light that workers’ rights are human rights. It is a human right for a worker to meet their basic needs of food, housing, transportation, child care, health care and clothing – being paid a livable wage will allow for this.
“It is fitting that this contract negotiation is happening on Human Rights Day, we will hold this candlelight vigil because having livable wages is a fundamental human right,” said James Haslam, Director of the Vermont Workers Center, which helps coordinate the Burlington Livable City Coalition. “When Burlington food service workers receive a livable wage that is a victory for the entire community, and we need to move to where every worker in Burlington and across Vermont gets paid a livable wage.”
For the past three years the Food Service workers in the Burlington School District, members of AFSMCE Local 1343, have fought to receive a livable wage. However, despite the recent livable wage victory of the para-educators and the Burlington Education Association (BEA), the Food Services workers remain in negotiations with the Burlington School District.
“After our recent livable wage victory it is more important then ever that the Burlington School District will do the right thing and pay the food service workers a livable wage for their valuable work,” said Donna Iverson, an Edmunds Elementary School para-educator and leader of their recent victory.
According to the Report on Livable Wages in Burlington Schools put out in June 2007 by the Peace and Justice Center’s, Vermont Livable Wage Campaign and the Vermont Workers Center, no food service workers make the hourly livable wage, 43% earn $8.59/hr or less in 2005-2006 school year, and 94% of food service workers are women.
“As the school district continues to confront the issue of poverty in our schools, it is imperative that they make sure their employees make enough to meet their basic needs,” says Colin Robinson, Director of the Peace and Justice Center’s Vermont Livable Wage Campaign. “If the children of your own food service workers make so little that they qualify for free or reduced price lunch, you know you have progress to make in combating poverty.”
AFSMCE Local 1343 and the Food Service workers have been in negotiations since their contract ended on June 30th, 2007. No agreement was reached, however, indiciations that a livable wage settlement could happen soon.
Labels: Burlington Livable City, solidarity